South Central Transit Van
The South Central Transit Van serves everyone in LaMoure County. You do not need to be a Senior Citizen or necessarily have a Doctor's Appointment.
You are picked up and dropped off at your home or place of residence. During the trip you may go to your medical appointment, shopping, visit nursing homes, or other visits, etc.
If at all possible, we can take you to meet the Bus Services, Airline Services, or trains schedules.
The van goes to:
- Jamestown, Tues., Wed, & Friday, weekly
- Bismarck, 3rd Thursday of the month
- Fargo, 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month
- 1st Thursday of the Month - Valley City or Oakes, Mondays & Fridays, when needed, medical appts. onlyYou are not limited to the amount of stops on each trip and you are not charged extra for these stops.
Please make your appointments to ride the Transit Van the day before by 5 p.m. so pick-ups can be scheduled. You will be picked up in time for the first scheduled appointment and we will leave when the last appointment is done.
If you must cancel, please call as soon as you know, as it helps to determine our scheduling.
For more information, contact Edgeley Public Library at (701) 493-2769

South Central Transit Van