Our Redeemer's Luthern
A small group of worshippers who were to become our Redeemer's congregation gathered for their first worship service on November 6, 1955 in the Dakotah Theater in Edgeley, North Dakota. They continued to meet here until the completion of the new church building in 1958.
The Rev. Ralph S.Rusley was the first pastor of the parish which consisted of Christ the King Congregation in Ellendale and Our Redeemer's Congregation in Edgeley.
Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church was formally organized on Wednesday evening May 2, 1956 at the Dakotah Theater. Dr. L.E. Tallakson, president of the North Dakota District of the Evangelical Lutheran Church waas present and presided at the meeting. Twenty-four members were present. The constitution and by laws were adopted and officers were elected at this meeting as follows: President, William Nordley; Vice President, Hans Jensen; Secretary, Doris Mathson; Treasurer, R.G. Burges; Financial Secretary, Charles Jennings; Deacons, Wm. Anderson, Gilbert Leppert, Miles White; Trustees, O.W. Kipp, Wm. Gentz, Oscar Leppert; Sunday School Superintendent, Mae Wold; Board of Education, Laura Burges, Hilda Nordley, and Alma White. The articles of Incorporation were signed on May 17, 1956 by William Gentz, Oscar Leppert and O.W. Kipp.
Miss Inez Leppert, a registered nurse and a member of the congregation was commissioned as a missionary to Madagascar at a special service held in the Community Hall on July 29, 1956.
On July 17, 1956 the lot of the present church site was purchased. Work began on the building of the church on November 7, 1957 with Lynn Hazelton Construction and with the help of volunteer members. The plumbing and electrical work was done entirely by capable members of the congregation. During this busy, exciting period several ladies of the congregation did their part by providing meals for the workers, and were on hand with the coffee pot for those welcome coffee breaks.
Then came the happy day when the church building was completed and the first worship service was held there on Easter Sunday, April 6, 1958.
The dedication of Our Redeemer's Church took place November 9, 1958. Dr. L.E. Tallakson, District President preached the sermon and performed the service of dedication.
Pastor Rusley left our parish in 1959 and Pastor O.C. Rolfsen served as interim pastor for three months. Pastor H.O. Vold accepted a call to serve our parish and conducted his first worship service here in February 14, 1960.
At the annual meeting in January 1959, the congregation approved a project to excavate the church basement sufficiently for a Sunday School class room.
Pews were purchased in 1965 and later additional pews as well as another chancel chair were added. Pastor Vold left our parish in 1966.
Pastor Roger Schlaefer accepted the call to our parish and conducted his first service here on February 6, 1966. The tenth anniversary of Our Redeemer's Church was celebrated on May 1, 1966.
In 1973 the basement was excavated under the entire church building providing space for a kitchen, fellowship hall, two Sunday School rooms, rest rooms, and a storage room.
Pastor Schlaefer left our parish on November 17, 1974 after serving our congregation for approximately 9 years. From that date until January 1, 1975 Pastor Emil Lang of Casselton, North Dakota conducted our Sunday worship services. The pastor's study was completed in 1974.
In 1974 the Edgeley Our Redeemer's and the Ellendale Christ the King parish was dissolved. Our Redeemer's Congregation was then included in the Kulm Zion Lutheran and Jud St. Paul's Lutheran Parish with Pastor Herman Buenting in charge of the 3-point parish until his retirement on September 1, 1976.
Notes were sold in 1957 for the amount of $20,000 to members and others in the community as temporary financing for the down payment for a new church building. The loan was refinanced in 1962 with Lutheran Brotherhood ($20,000 at 5 3/4% due in 20 years) and the local notes were paid. We were able to pre-pay our loan which should have been due Dec. 1, 1982 on January 25, 1974, thus saving $6,203.87 in interest.
In 1975 the kitchen was moved to the new kitchen area in the basement where a complete set of cabinets and counters had been constructed.
Pastor Wayne Eitland, Casselton, ND accepted a call to our parish and arrived here in September 1976. The congregation purchased a new organ for our worship in 1977. A piano had previously been anonymously donated.
In 1977 our membership reached a total of of 201 baptized members. This was the first time in our existence that we had surpassed the 200 mark.
Sunday Morning Worship Service - 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. or immediately after worship.
Various other activities such as confirmation, and church council are generally scheduled for Wednesdays, either after school or during the evening.

Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church
Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church
307 5th Street W
Edgeley, ND 58433
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